NetLogger Installation Guidelines





Download  a stable version of the NetLogger toolkit, NetLogger-lite toolkit and a stable version of the NetLogger Visualisation (NLV) kit from the NetLogger website. I used NetLogger version 2.0.13.

Also download Network Time Protocol (NTP) software from


Building NetLogger:

First unzip the NLV toolkit, The following libraries will be unzipped:

Move these libraries in the directory /usr/local/lib/

Note: NLV will not run without X11 directories, hence make sure that X11 directories are installed before working with NLV.

Now unpack the NetLogger zipped file and go inside the unpacked directory, to build NetLogger first create a directory called build and then from inside there build netlogger in the normal way:

> gzip -dc netlogger.tar.gz | tar xf -

> cd netlogger

> mkdir build

> cd build

> ../configure

> make

> cd api; make test

> make install

Note: the second to last command : " > cd api; make test " is just for making tests.

Add the line "/opt/netlogger/build/ lib"  to the file /etc/ This has to be done in order to add NetLogger libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  LD_LIBRARY_PATH is an environment variable which has to be  set to give the run-time shared library loader ( an extra set of directories to look for when searching for shared libraries.

Have to also add NetLogger binaries to PATH using the following command:

> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/netlogger/build/bin

 PATH refers to the places linux looks for binaries on startup.


Running NetLogger Daemon:

Before running the NetLogger daemon must set NetLogger environment variables first:

> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/netlogger/build/bin

> export NETLOGGER_ON 1;

> export NETLOGGER_DEST file://tmp/netlog.log

Netlogger deamon can be run by using the following command:

>    -p 5678    -o /tmp/netlog.log    -d 5

-p specifies the port the daemon will listen to

-o specifies the output file

-d specifies the debug level

The default port is 14830 and debug is switched off by default.