
DataTAG-Funded Partners
U.S. Partners
Collaborating Networks
Collaborating Institutes

DataTAG-Funded Partners:
is the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. Founded
in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe's first joint ventures and
includes now 20 Member States. CERN is constructing a new particle
accelerator, the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC),which will provide research facilities
for several thousand High Energy Physics (HEP) researchers and where
four experiments will collect data for more than 10 years. The computing
capacity required for analysing such data will entail to use in an
integrated way computing facilities installed at several HEP sites
distributed across Europe, North America and Asia. |
Italian National Institute for Nuclear Research, is a governmental
research organization, which promotes, co-ordinates and funds nuclear
and high-energy physics research in collaboration with the most important
national and international Laboratories (CERN, DESY, Grenoble, GranSasso,
Frascati, Fermilab, SLAC). INFN is one of the founding members of
GARR, the Italian academic and research network. In October 1999 INFN
started a pilot project to investigate a possible utilization of GLOBUS
software for the High Energy Physics applications. |
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique,
aims to network skills and talents from the fields of information
and computer science technology from the entire French research system.
Since the early 80's INRIA has been very active in the Internet community
and many of its teams are working on Distributed Systems and Application
, Parallel Computing and High performance networking. The INRIA RESO
team has been recognized internationally has a key actor in the field
of high performance networking. |
directs and co-ordinates the funding of research in national and international
programmes in particle physics, astronomy, cosmology and space science
in the United Kingdom. It manages UK involvement in international
scientific bodies such as CERN and the European Space Agency [ESA].
PPARC funded staff have experience in large data stores, computer
farms (running the Linux Operating System most recently), security,
data management and archiving, and distributed computing. PPARC funded
staff have extensive experience in Wide Area Network monitoring and
novel use of networks. |
The Informatics
Institute of the Science Faculty of the University
of Amsterdam is divided into five research groups:Programming,
Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Sensory Information Systems,
Section Computational Science and Computer Architecture and Parallel
Systems. The institute collaborates with the NIKHEF, AMS-IX and SARA
institutes and its location (WTCW) is the major Internet Exchange
location in the Netherlands. All important SURFnet and European research
network backbones come here together. |

U.S. Partners:

Collaborating Networks:

Collaborating Institutes: